The Rise Of Mysticism

It may not be called by that name any longer, however, mysticism is making a return to our daily lives.  More and more people, including celebrities, are beginning to speak about living from the heart, and an internal experience that gives them insight into their lives.  We are seeing many people that are beginning to question the way humanity lives, including mass protests, and the over throwing of oppressive governments, with the idea of revolution in mind.  We are seeing more and more spiritual teachers and guru`s rise up and become beacons of light for those still lost in the suffering of their own minds, and the cognitive dissonance of the world.  Even science is now beginning to understand through quantum physics that reality is created by the observer, and is able to be changed depending upon the perspective.  Neuroscience also knows that the human body mind, is like a computer, and that the subconscious mind, can be reprogrammed to let go of old habits and lifestyles, through a very simple reprogramming technique, should someone apply themselves to it.  Mystical experiences are on the rise in the common household, and the idea of other dimensions, extra terrestrials, and the origins of humanity are finally beginning to emerge from our memories.

There is still a long way to go, as the old paradigm has a death grip on humanity.  Yet slowly, and surely, the cracks are beginning to appear, and the idea of a shift in consciousness is beginning to be more and more widespread, and freedom of expression is now being sought.  Which is where things like burning man are coming from.  Yoga is becoming more and more popular, as well as floatation tanks, and other energy healing modalities.  Even meditation is starting to become disassociated with religion, and is seen not as a religious ritual, but as a tool for healing, and enhancing the quality of life, because people are beginning to witness that they have an addiction to thought.  The first mystical experience many people have, is a brief glimpse, of the present moment, where even if its just for one second, they lose their identity, as well as their suffering, and feel like they are a part of something bigger.  That is often enough to spark even a small amount of curiosity to explore further.  This is why the books by Eckhart Tolle, after being promoted by Oprah, have taken off into popularity, it is because the words in the book describe an experience that many haven`t quite been able to put into words yet, so the books resonate.  This is the entry into mysticism.

There are many different mystical experiences that people can have. The basic experiences, are an internal experience of letting go of identity.  Letting go of the ego, and seeing it from a perspective that is something other than the ego.  This is the beginning of living in the present moment, it is the point of it.  To be able to see what is, as it is, without judgement or attachment or as a victim of it.  As a result, there is a sense of peace even in the turmoil of the situation, simply because it`s not taken personally, which gives that person the ability to respond in a manner that is not dictated by the situation.  This is the fundamental experience of mysticism, the empowerment and liberation from suffering, which increases your ability to help others, and be the example through living true to yourself.

Another kind of mystical experience, is where you feel oneness with creation, that you are not separate from it, but a part of it, as a whole.  This is where the idea that reality is an illusion comes from, that separation is an illusion. Which can change your entire view of reality, where you realize that other beings, other people, are actually you, having a subjective experience forming the idea of two people with two separate identities, in which, you are co-creating reality with.  So from this realization and experience, you understand suffering.  You understand the saying `do unto others as you would to unto yourself.` Because others are yourself, and so when you see others suffering it`s really you suffering, so you lose interest in doing things for personal gain, or having power over people in ways that cause harm to them.  This is when you follow your heart, and share yourself with the world, because you are the greatest gift that you can give to others.  Your compassion, your talents, your creativity, your support, your ability to listen and be there for those in need, as well as taking care of yourself.

Then mystical experience begins to deepen.  An out of body experience may occur, or strong connections between people and synchronicities are witness, and coincidence becomes a thing of the past as you see a divine plan guiding you to events and people as you follow your heart.  This is when you realize that not only is there a oneness of all creation behind the separation, but that you are not bound to your physical body either.  It also shows you that beyond the physical dimension, there are other dimensions, that feel just as real as physicality.  You also come to understand that you are a being of energy, that you have more than one body.  You have a physical body, and an energetic body. So as you begin to get comfortable with these revelations, which can take a while, you begin to understand that your state of being is the key to the reality you are living in, if it wasn`t apparent before.  You begin to explore where the borders between the physical and the metaphysical merge, many practice astral projection techniques as a result.  However, there is also another way, and that is to understand that the mind is a tool, and it is also your bridge between worlds.  When you slow your brain down to the alpha and theta levels, consciously, you begin to feel energy more strongly, this is where the physical meets the metaphysical, it is where you attract energy to you, using thoughts and visualization, to reprogram the subconscious mind, to make changes in the physical reality.  Going into alpha state is very similar to being a computer hacker.  You have the ability to hack reality, and change things to a more preferred reality.  This usually takes time, as things manifest slower in the physical, however, with dedication, and perseverance, you will begin to notice the changes coming into your physical life, because your state of being, is no longer a match to your old circumstances.  Alpha state is where we are able to work with our chakras, clear out old patterns, and unblock ourselves in ways where our potential may have been stifled.  The existence of chakras, is no longer questioned after a deep alpha state experience.

Theta state of mind, is the state we all enter when we dream.  Many of us only remember glimpses of dreams, because we do not enter it consciously.  If it is entered consciously, theta state gives us the hardest to adapt to mystical experiences.  In this state, we are usually out of body, while our physical body is paralyzed.  Many people wake up into this state in the night, and it freaks them out as they cannot move, and they never want to have the experience again.  Some may also feel like there is a presence surrounding them, or weird noises, or a voice calling their name.  Theta state mystical experiences shed light on the idea of other beings, extra terrestrials, angels, demons and the idea that through consciousness, we can communicate with anything, and anyone who has ever existed, which also means, that the entire knowledge of the universe exists in this state, and we can tap into it and bring forth wisdom into the world.  Many channelers, such as Bashar, Abraham Hicks, Kryon, and Barbara Marcinak, as well as the author of conversations with god, and a course in miracles, are communicating with beings not of this world, in deep alpha and theta states.

It is also in these states where we come to the understanding, that humanity is kept in the dark, deliberately, about its own origins, and multi-dimensional abilities.  That there seems to be, something that is blocking humans ability to tap into the infinite potential beings that they are, keeping us trapped in the physical plane, and a slave to the 5 senses.  Which is why we get amnesia the moment we are born, and why our origins are so mysterious.  Yet when a human makes an effort to go beyond this blocking mechanism, this conditioning, they have an awakening experience, this goes back to the identity experience.

There are of course, many other experiences, and ways that we can hack into reality and change it.  Including that of completely giving up personal identity and being taken into a void in which you have an experience that tells you through feeling alone, that the entire universe is inside you. Mysticism, is rising up in today’s world, and more and more people are beginning to understand what it means to ascend beyond physicality which is undoubtedly the direction in which humanity is evolving.  Space is not the final frontier.  Mysticism is beginning to open a whole new series of frontiers that the evolved humanity will explore, as we birth a new earth.  This isn`t the end times, it is simply the end of the dark ages.



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The idea of other dimensions often gets overlooked and seen as fiction.  We’ve heard about the possibility of it through many movies, including the recent, interstellar.  We have also heard about other dimensions from those who have had near death experiences, or have successfully astral projected.  We have also heard about it from those who take psychedelics used for spiritual exploration.  Those who have a spiritual awakening often talk about becoming the universe and losing touch with physicality briefly while they have a paradigm shifting self realization they they are more than their physical bodies and minds. That they are actually one with creation, and that separation is an illusion.  An illusion that enables us to have a subjective experience of life.

Despite all of these people, including Indian tribes and people connected to nature in ways most of us can’t imagine, many of us will still deny the existence that there might be something beyond the physical dimension.  Even when quantum physics talks about discoveries such as the god particle, or quantum entanglement, where time and space seem to be irrelevant on an energetic scale.  The field of cymatics shows us how sound can manipulate matter to take geometric form, based upon the frequency it is receiving.   Massaru Emoto and his life work with putting thought and music into water, and flash freezing it to examine the molecular structure is another example, that the physical world is being animated and manifested from what appears to be another dimension.

Then we have energy healing modalities where we work with the energetic body rather than the biological body, and see the massive effect a change in energy, can have biologically.  We see this in the form of reiki, or in the form of meditation.  Or even simply in the form of changing our thoughts, our self talk in our own heads.  How a small change in self talk, from hating yourself to accepting yourself exactly as you are, can change your entire state of being.  Yoga and qi gong and so many other energy modalities exist for us to use.  All of them give us access to the energy of life, before it becomes manifested in the physical.  What we are doing, is consciously accessing the dimension of reality that exists from which physical reality is manifested, the pure energetic state of reality.

The deeper we go into this energetic state the more we realize that energy is information, and so great wisdom arises from it, as it contains all the information that has ever existed, and as we bring more energy to us, we automatically come to self realizations and deeper insights into the nature of reality.  To the point where we discover that we are not bound to the body, which is why astral projection, near death experiences, and spiritual awakenings are so profound.  The idea that we can, as an energetic being, explore energetic realms, is thrilling and exhilarating, and the fear of death is lessened as death is not this great big unknown question mark anymore.  The discovery that there is something beyond physicality, is a liberating experience, as you realize that life doesn’t have to be taken as seriously as you once thought.  You realize you are bigger than what happens in your physical life.   You also realize that the universe is much bigger and more complicated, than we can possibly imagine.  Especially when you discover that there are higher beings, many of them are referred to as the ascended masters, or spirit guides or angels and demons, or as modern day people would call them, extra-terrestrials, or as ancient people would call them, gods.

That’s when we realize that earth is part of a much larger picture.   That’s when we see the conditioning of humanity, and when we see that our history is kept shrouded in mystery.  We come to this greater understanding of the suffering of the human condition.  It is not because humans are naturally destructive.  It is because humans are only working with a very limited version of who they think they are.  That humans are deliberately kept in ignorance of their own multi-dimensional abilities.

Many movies have hinted at this, as well as many people.   Movies such as, Contact, Fight Club,The Matrix Triology,Men In Black,Interstellar,Jupiter Acending,The Fifth Element,Stargate, and so many more.  Yet because people see it in a movie, they don’t believe that it could possibly be true.  Yet there are many people that have dedicated their lives to helping humanity awaken.  Bashar, Edgar Cayce, Abraham (esther) Hicks,Barbara Marciniak, David Icke,Neal Donald Walsch, Eckhart Tolle,Jim Carrey, Russell Brand, Joe Rogan,Gregg Braden, Bill Hicks, George Carlin,Osho,Ramana Marharshi,Drunvalo Melchizedek,Alan Watts,James Redfield, Mantak Chia, Eric Pearl, Albert Einstien, Nikola Tesla, Rumi, Mark Twain,Zecharia Sitchin,Martin Luther King, Marianne Williamson, and countless others.  There are so many currently still living, more so than ever before in history.  We are witnessing a global awakening.

As third dimensional beings, we cannot logically grasp the idea of other directions.  We see up down, left right, above and below.  This makes up our world and because we can see it, we believe it.  Well there is another direction that we can go, which takes us beyond this dimension.  We can go within.  It’s what all the spiritual masters including the likes of Buddha and Christ told us.  Go within.  Within your own heart, is the kingdom of god.  Because it takes you to another dimension of reality, the one in which we can bring back the state of being that represents heaven to experience heaven on earth. One of the greatest realizations we can have, is that we are multi-dimensional beings, because it breaks the chains that have kept us in ignorance.

E-motion Is Information


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As science has proven multiple times, everything is energy, and beyond physical form, everything connects to everything else. Science has recently coined a new term, called mirror neurons.  Where, it is understood that by witnessing something such as someone receiving pleasure, the watcher also feels some pleasure.  Which is why the pornography industry is so popular.  However, this is not a new discovery.  Science may just be recognizing it, but it is something that spiritual gurus have talked about for thousands of years.  It’s called empathy.  “mirror neurons” is the scientific term for empathy.

Except it goes deeper than that.  What is empathy?  It’s the ability to feel what another feels, which means, that we are receiving information from the person we are witnessing, because information is energy, thoughts are e-motion, energy in motion.  So empathy is literally telling us, that we are connected to life forms beyond our apparent separation.   This information that we decode, goes far beyond empathy.  Animals talked to each other through energy all the time, it’s how a flock of birds or a school of fish, can all turn at the exact same time, flawlessly.  So this information is always there, flowing through us, we just, as human beings, don’t tap into it as often as we could, so much of the information goes unnoticed due to our busy minds and lives.

However, since we are all connected energetically, with all of life, and the entire universe itself, as science has proven time and time again, then there is an even bigger discovery to be had here.  Seeing as energy transfer doesn’t know time or space, and is instantaneous, which is why watching a movie can invoke a roller coaster of emotions, or the memories of a lost loved one can still have an impact on us.  It means, that if other beings exist in the universe, including that of deceased loved ones, and extra terrestrials, we would be able to communicate with them, through consciousness.  We’re so busy looking for UFO’s or radio signals, that we forget that we are also beings of energy.  Our bodies are the antennas from which consciousness flows through.  So this means, that based upon our thoughts, the ones we send out, and our ability to receive information through remaining in the present moment, or meditative, or theta state of sleep, we can bring forth information, e-motion, that we’ve never experienced before, messages from other beings, or tuning into the energy of the universe itself.  The source of wisdom.

Female Body Image


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Where do I begin? Brace yourself, this is going to be a long one. A lot  of ground to cover on this topic.   Female body image, is one of the biggest subjects used in the suppression of women.  Just about every single girl, if not every single one, is influenced in some way or another about how her body ought to look. From very young ages.  Just the idea of having a barbie doll begins to cultivate a certain mindset about what the female form is supposed to look like, to compete with the standards of society.  From very young ages, girls are influenced on how to dress and how to behave like a girl.  Men get the same kind of influence, but this isn’t about men right now, it’s about women. From young ages, everything to do with a girls life, is about being beautiful, it’s about wearing cute clothes, to the introduction of make up at the youngest possible age, to make their faces prettier.  Which automatically makes them believe their face isn’t pretty enough as it is.

As they are being conditioned in this way, they grow up with everything they see on tv, or magazines, or music, setting their standards for them.  Every clothing store they walk into, there are pictures of women on the walls, even the mannequins are rail thin hinting at the standard of beauty that appears to be acceptable.  Magazines with all sorts of tips and tricks, and products they can buy to make them more beautiful, with pictures of other women, who have been airbrushed and photoshopped to appear much more beautiful than they actually are.  Making other women only dream of being like them, even though they’re not real to begin with.  You can’t be like the woman in the magazine, if the woman in the magazine isn’t like the woman in the magazine.  It’s all a lie. A lie that has women starving themselves, and competing against each other.

Every time a woman looks at another woman, jealous of her looks, they suppress each other.  They keep each other in line.  And to continue this mindset, along come men, with their standard of beauty, which as also been conditioned into them by society, to expect the women in magazines to be walking around.  So women not only compete against each other, but also to impress a man. This begins in high school.  By the time boys are 15 years old, they are having conversations about girls, and rating them on a hotness scale of 1 to 10.  Pornography doesn’t help with this either, and most 15 year old boys get many ideas about women through porn sites.  So boys grow up with standards, and girls grow up with the expectation of standards.

When a girl  feels that she can’t meet these standards many things begin to swirl in her mind.  Which often leads to the development of anxiety, eating disorders, suicidal tendencies, low self esteem, insecurity, and self loathing.   So they go to extreme lengths, including starving themselves, and putting their health in jeopardy as a result.  Then doctors come along and treat them for anxiety, and other disorders, rather than understanding the cause of the problems.  So now we have medicated girls, that are misunderstood, and confused about what to do about that.  So they begin to think something is wrong with them.  But the standards don’t just go away. No, they see it everywhere, they are reminded by everything.  So the torment continues, many hours putting make up on, making sure the right clothes fit and mix together and all the parts of the body she may not like are covered.  Then she goes out into the world, and gets complimented on how good she looks, but she doesn’t believe the compliments are about her.  She thinks it’s about her outfit or her make up, not whats behind them.  So the compliments only last for as long as she’s wearing the same clothes.  Then the anxiety of it all becomes overwhelming, she thinks she has to try so hard to fit in, to be beautiful.  The anxiety medication is a welcoming remedy.  It will alleviate the stress.  Until the next time she must go out, in which, she will stress for several hours, if not days before it.

This is the relationship girls develop with themselves.  Because they feel this way about themselves, men, not knowing any of this, think women are sex objects.  So this male mindset, makes women believe that sex is all about men.  That women are the object of a mans desire.  So from this, male mindset, combined with the conditioned female mindset, we invent the pornography industry, and along with that, prostitution, and the whole sex slave industry.  As well as advertising using women to sell products.  All of these industries remain in business only because women are conditioned to keep these industries open.  All of these industries, feed male desire, male lust, which keeps men in ignorance of it all.  Men are encouraged to sleep with as many women as possible.  It’s all about male desire.  Have you ever noticed how many industries are based around female desire, and the objectification of men?

You will notice however, that anytime a man decides to wear or do anything feminine, he is instantly shut down.  ”Don’t be a pussy.”  Or, “He must be a fag.” Or other sayings like ” you throw like a girl”  or ” what a girl.” A man cannot go into public wearing feminine clothes, or even feminine colors or painted nails.  He will instantly be judged by not only men, but women too.  But what is it all really doing?  It’s saying that anything feminine is weak, and needs to be put in its proper place, and is for women only.  Yet the moment, you see a woman wearing a mans sweater, all his friends will be giving him a high five.  A sign of achievement, a flag of victory. What you don’t see, is anyone insulting her for wearing male clothes.  There are no sayings that insult the male gender in the same way.  Most insults that are said in relation to a man, use feminine undertones.  Which perpetuates the mindset in both men and women, that women are inferior to men.

Then there is the whole rape culture that we have in our society, where the victim is blamed for being raped.  That her clothes were too provocative, so she was asking for it.  Or getting her drunk or on drugs, or just getting her to invite him into her house.  This is not consent.  However, men’s desire doesn’t care much about consent, and because men are not taught how to handle their desires, because it’s drilled into them from every angle, they will take advantage as often as they can.  The definition of consent can be bent, and often broken in their horny desperation.  So this trauma just makes things worse for a girl that already has body image issues.  Making them afraid to even date, to ever trust a man again, if they ever developed trust in the first place.

On top of all this, is the amount of attention women get from men.  Just by being female, the attention, wanted or unwanted is going to be coming their way, from catcalls walking down the street to creepy hooded dudes that stalk them.  Go on craigslist, and to the M4W section in any city, and see how many men are looking for women in a single day. Then go to the W4M section of that same city, and see how many women are looking for men, within the same 24 hour time frame.  You will find, 100’s of men in one day, and about 10 women.  Those 10 women that have an ad out looking, receive hundreds of replies, with many penis pictures to sort through.  And we wonder why women give up on men?

It gets worse.  Dating and relationships.  Women, always trying to look their best, trying to date men, that want the impression she’s putting on, while he’s putting on an impression of his own, to impress her.  So for a little while their impressions hold up, but eventually, each impression begins to break down, and he becomes his usual asshole horny self, and she becomes insecure and hating her looks asking if she looks fat in those jeans.  The false attraction, the false impressions have left the relationship.Which is replaces by a sense of longing, and dullness.  Yet they both remain in the relationship, because she doesn’t believe she deserves better, and he’s probably cheating on her with someone else, and if not, he keeps her around because it gets him off.  So many women will remain in a relationship like this, even if it’s abusive.  Often mistaking their lack of self worth, with the idea of love.  Or believing that this is the best they can do, and they would never find anyone else.

Female desire is something that’s also a bit taboo. A sexually promiscious woman is slut shamed, and thought badly of.  Which is very counter intuitive to the  conditioning, seeing as women are made into sex objects, but the minute a woman has sex with a few men, she’s a slut.  How is that for confusing?  Female desire, in touch with her own sex drive, with her own idea of what turns her on, is something many men cannot handle.  Which is quite evident by the fact that many women never even experience an orgasm throughout the course of their lives.  So women are taught to be sex objects, but only for men’s desire, not for their own.  So to add to all of the above issues, we now also have sexually unsatisfied women, who have no idea what they’re missing, and sex is this mediocre thing.  Making the female orgasm, a taboo subject!  Most movies are even about him getting off, rather than her.  So as a result of all this, trust, vulnerability, surrender, intimacy, passion, romance, are fleeting at best for many women.  Which is a crime against humanity.  And I mean that literally.

Well I have news for you.  For every woman alive today.  It’s all bullshit.  Everything you think you are, everything you’ve been taught, told, or learned, it’s all bullshit.  Every last bit of it.  You are as beautiful as the next woman.  You may not have the same physical appearance, but no other woman can be you.  You cannot be replaced. Your body is yours.  It does not belong to anyone else.  You have to live in your body, your body is your home, it is your temple. Any person, that doesn’t see beauty in that, is not worth your time.  You are worth more than that.  You are not defined by your looks, you are defined by your actions.  You are defined by how you treat others, by how kind you are, by how caring you are, by how you make others feel.  That includes yourself.  You can respect yourself, in the same manner that you can respect others.  You were born to be you.  To be respected.  You are allowed to do anything you want to do, and if others don’t like it, that’s not your problem.  Dress how you want to dress, wear what you want to wear, fuck who you want to fuck(with consent), say what you want to say, and be who you want to be.  You do not have to impress anyone, or prove yourself for any reason.  You don’t owe an explanation for being who you are.  You do not have to meet societies standards, or men’s standards, or anyone standards.  You can, in this very moment, accept your body exactly as it is, and be happy with it.  If you feel bad about your own body, then observe your reaction, observe the feelings that rumble through you, and know this, you have a choice, you can react to those feelings, or you can feel them fully, and accept yourself anyway.  Own your body.  You live in it, it keeps you alive, you use it to express yourself, and you use it to explore the world.  If you drop everything you have ever learned about what beauty is, and you just start living your life the way you want to live your life, you will meet people that see the real you.  You will find relationships, friends, groups, that all see the real you, the you that has let go of trying to impress and prove, the you that is carefree and in complete acceptance, in love with yourself.  Do you want to be in a relationship with someone that you have to try to impress through looks, or someone that sees the real you, with the gloves off, and the pimples out, and the stretch marks basking in the sun? Wouldn’t it be nice to have someone find you beautiful just as you are?  How can they ever find you, if you don’t accept yourself just as you are?  You are you, you are perfectly imperfect, and that’s the way it is.  Only change yourself if YOU want to change yourself, and if you can’t  change yourself, then accept yourself as you are, because it’s who you are meant to be.  No one can compete with that.  That’s what makes you beautiful.  BE YOU TI FUL.  

Be Like A Flower


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Be like a flower.  Flowers are the perfect example, of what it means to live a life in the flow of the universe.  Human beings are not so different.  Unless we think we are.  Much like a flower, we must grow to a point in which, we are ready to blossom.  A point in our lives in which, we decide, we’re ready to let go, to be vulnerable, and be completely ourselves despite what might come of it.  A flower, shows true vulnerability in the act of blossoming.

It must let go of all fear, all doubt, all judgement, and be exposed in the most vulnerable way.  In which, it shows it’s beauty to the world.  Which is where it’s true strength is realized, that vulnerability was never something to hide from, but something that makes it stronger, and more beautiful than it ever could have imagined without it.  As it opens to the world, the sun beams upon it, and it is open to receiving the blissful source of life.  It basks in the sun in all its glory thankful for being alive.

Then something happens, a storm comes to pass, and the flower loses its connection to the blissful light of the sun.  And it appears as if dark times are ahead.  Yet because a flower doesn’t judge, it remains still, and allows it to pass.  When suddenly it starts raining, and the flower becomes cold, and wet and uncomfortable.  Yet still the flower does not judge, it does not curl back up into a bud never to blossom again.  It might for a little while, but as soon as its ready, it will once again let it all go, and be vulnerable once again.  Because the flower didn’t judge it’s experience, it understands that, when the storm comes, and the sun is blocked out, it will be watered, which will allow it grow, even in times that appear dark and dismal.

And so, the flower lives in a state of constant gratitude, because when situations are not judged as good or bad, there is no reason to suffer.

Women, Then and Now


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Before my awakening, I saw women in a much different way than I did after it.  As I grew up, I was never a very social person.  I always had a difficult time making friends, never mind, girlfriends.  I went through all of high school, without ever dating, in fact, I didn’t go on my first date until I was 20 years old.  Even then, it was a rare occurrence.  I am now approaching my 30th birthday in a little less than a months time, and I am still a virgin.  However, the evolution that I have gone through since the awakening has enabled me to see women, and sexuality in a completely different way.

While I was in high school, and beyond until my awakening at the age of 27, I never understood how to react around women.  I kept seeing other guys going up and hitting on them, and talking about them behind their backs, discussing who was the hottest, or what features of different girls stood out, and comparing them off against each other and rating them on a scale of 1 to 10.  As I got older, and left high school, it turned into things like going to strip clubs or parties to hit on drunk girls because they we’re the easiest.  I was a witness to this behaviour, but was never pulled to participate in it.  I was asked on many occasions, and told on many occasions that I need to get laid, that I need to go to the strip clubs, and peer pressure, even from adults, and family members, was quite strong.  However, it never felt right to me, it was never something I wanted to do.  So people always questioned me, asking if I was gay.  Which I knew I wasn’t.  Women were beautiful to me, I was captivated by their beauty, and I had a few of my own crushes in high school.  However, I never understood how to act on them.  With all the other guys and even family, trying to tell me to get laid…. I didn’t understand how to approach a woman without that intention in mind.  The thought of it was scary.  Because no matter what approach I would take, she was going to think I was hitting on her, that I wanted to get laid, that I wasn’t really interested in who she was.  All these thoughts were going through my head.  So throughout my entire high school years, I never asked a girl out, I never complimented a girl, I never showed any appreciation for them.  I was non-existent to them.  I was that quiet guy, possibly that creepy guy that doesn’t socialize, and because of it, I went unnoticed, and if a girl showed interest in me, the same thoughts would spin in my head, creating more and more awkwardness.  As high school ended, and I got older, the beauty of women was something that was so attracting, so arousing, that it was hard to see beyond the desire.  So pornography became my best friend, which then led to fetishes, and BDSM, and an exploration of what really turned me on.  But I never sought a partner, I just took an interest in these things in the privacy of my own home, and never told anyone.  

I was stuck between a rock and a hard place for many many years.  I had this desire, for women, I wanted to get laid.  But I didn’t agree with one night stands or treating women like objects, so my fear of coming off as one of those guys prevented me from stepping outside of my comfort zone.  That is how deep the conditioning of men runs.  If a man isn’t willing to objectify women, and see their desire, instead of her own beauty, he’s thought to be gay, and has all these insecurities about what it means to be a man.  About what it means to approach a woman.  At this time, I did not have an understanding of my own desire.  I was confused by it.  The lengths I would go through to “get off” eventually became weirder and harder.  I will not mention my particular fetishes in this post, that’s more of a private matter, however, I had discovered that being horny, allows a man, to take more risks, to be more adventurous, a little more courageous.  To do things he wouldn’t normally do (good and bad) just because he was horny.  As soon as he was spent, it all went away, and back to non aroused reality, which was never fulfilling, there was always a need, always a longing for more, yet, the aroused reality, seemed to crazy, but it least had passion.  The passion goes away with the arousal, leaving him feeling a little disappointed.  So naturally, I began to like being horny, but my desire, was too powerful to last very long.  And still, because of that social conditioning, opening up to a woman about any of these new found fetishes, only got worse with time.  I felt exactly like the joker said in The Dark Knight….. ” you’re like a dog chasing cars, you wouldn’t know what to do with one if you caught it.”  The lack of understanding women, was something that led to many years of depression.  Many years of loneliness, many years of questioning if I was normal.  Always seeking a depressed woman, someone who might be able to relate.  Which led nowhere, because neither one wants to make an effort, neither one wants to change because they both believe they’re not worth it, and have no motivation to leave the house.  

Then my awakening occurred. In a single night, energy shot up my spine to give me a divine experience in which I saw my ego, and knew in that moment, that I was not my ego.  Instantly,  I was detached from my suffering.  I was filled with love, bliss, joy, and peace.  I felt emotions.  Emotions that didn’t weigh a thousand pounds. Emotions that I had not felt since I was a child.  I felt this feminine energy, radiating through me.  I call it feminine, not because it made me feel gay, but because it was this cold energy that brought to me a sense of being alive that I never knew was possible.  I felt incredibly alive, and I can only describe it as feminine, it was an intuitive understanding that it was feminine energy. 

This energy, gave me an instant understanding of women.  I could see all the confusion of men and women’s egos, and why both genders can be so confused as to why its so hard to have a relationship.  I began to see women in a completely new light.  My lack of understanding, and my insecurities, and my desire to have sex with a woman we’re completely gone.  Now when I say my desire to have sex with a woman was completely gone, I do not mean it in a sense that, I was no longer attracted to them, or saw them as absolutely beautiful.  No.  I mean it in the sense that, I saw women in a way, that enabled me to see their beauty and not my own desire. 

This made women much more beautiful, much more attractive, it was magical.  I saw women no longer as objects, my doubts were gone.  I saw women as equals, and for the first time in my life, I knew exactly what  I wanted.  I knew exactly what it was that they wanted.  Trust.  With the conditioning of society, the confusion of the genders, trust is an extremely hard thing to come by.  I knew from my awakening, that I wasn’t looking for love, I wasn’t looking for a woman to love me, to take love from a woman.  I had begun to love myself, I knew that love came from me, and did not need to attach a woman to that job.  Ever since my awakening, I have not been shy or nervous around women, I have not hit on them, or flirted with them, or tried to impress them.  I was no longer playing the game. I was just simply, being myself.  I no longer had to make an effort, I had realized, that when the right woman walks into my life, I’ll know it.  It will just happen naturally.  And I’m so comfortable being single now, I don’t hate myself for it, I’m not constantly wishing I was with someone anymore, I know that it will happen, when the time is right, and there will be nothing that can stop it. 

I’m also comfortable with the fact that it may never happen, that it doesn’t have to happen, to experience love.  I can love every person that comes into my life, simply by creating that trust.  By being myself, without taking from others.  This new found respect for all women, despite their age, their body size, their looks, or their personalities, all of them matter, was profound.  Sex will occur if the connection is there, a relationship will occur if the trust is there, and marriage will occur when the sex, the connection, the relationship, the trust, and the intimacy are there.  The love was there all along, unconditionally, coming from you, coming from them, shared, not taken.  That does not mean a relationship of this nature has to be all roses and unicorns.  Unconditional love means, that despite what struggles may arise, you’ll face them together.

So now I am much more open, much more aware, of who I am, and what I want, and to never settle for less.  That by being myself, I create the opportunity for others to see the real me, no impressions, no proving myself, no expectations, and most importantly no effort.  It takes no effort to be yourself.  That’s all it takes. Be you. Be – you – ti – ful…… Be you to the fullest. That’s what makes us beautiful.

Enlightenment Is Now


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Everyone is already enlightened.  It is not that everyday consciousness is enlightenment, When I say that everyone is already enlightened, it does not mean, that you have realized that fact. Not everyone realizes it,  in fact, very few do(which is changing in modern times). Much like a wave in the ocean, does not realize that it is the entire ocean expressing itself. It think’s it’s a wave, and other waves are hostile, and it is it’s own seperate entity. However, the realization, that it is a part of the entire ocean, is always there, ready to be discovered at any time. So the wave is already enlightened, it just isn’t realized, just as all people are already enlightened.

The path is the illusion, the idea or concept of a journey, is just a construct of the mind, it’s just an experience that we wish to have, like a divine game of hide and seek. We experience physicality, because we wish to hide ourselves from our own divinity, physical experience offers us the opportunity to be able to experience everything as mysterious, and miraculous, allowing us to experience suffering, and pain and joy and happiness and excitement and passion.

We get to know ourselves over and over again, in an infinite number of ways, and that makes life magical. It’s not as serious as we make it out to be, but without realizing that we’re already enlightened, being serious is an experience we wish to have. In the end, it’s all a choice that we make, all of it is happening synchronistically, even if we wish to experience all of it in a coincidental, or accidental way. That’s the paradox. We think we’re in control, as an individual. When we give up control, we realize we are in control, as the whole thing.

Enlightenment allows us to realize that we are all one being, one life, and when you realize that, you also realize that you don’t need to take from another person, you don’t need to hurt other people for personal gain, or use egoic ways of living, because, you understand that everyone you hurt, is really hurting yourself, as all those other people, are also you, having an experience. You are your worst enemy. Your worst enemy, is you, and together, you create a rivalry, just as you can be best friends.

It’s all you, choosing what you want to experience as a separate entity. So enlightenment, allows us to experience a peaceful life, while ego allows us to experience a life of suffering.  Neither one of them is wrong, or right. It’s all about what you wish to experience, and what reality you wish to create, as your separate reality, while existing with all others,  sharing your reality, with theirs, as one giant reality.

It’s Always A Choice


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 Nobody identifies with depression, or anger, or anxiety by choice. They identify with these things because they believe that there is no other choice. They have yet to ask the question, how else can I react to my situation? You cannot recieve an answer, if you have not first asked the question. That is the difference between a closed mind and an open mind.

Now that you’ve asked the question, how else can I react? You will find yourself, noticing when you are depressed, rather than simply reacting to it, without that recognition. You will have become the witness, even though it may not seem like much, it means everything. When people are depressed, they never witness their own feelings, they simply feel them, and they react to them.

They are a victim of the feeling, and the thoughts associated with that feeling, they’re identified with it, they tell themselves, they are “my” feelings. And so their state of being reflects that,they’ve owned it, so that is what they send out to the world. The depression doesn’t come from external sources, no… It comes from within that person. My depression, it’s not franks depression is bothering me, no it’s my depression, and so that person is the source of that depression. However, they are only the source of it, because they are not witnessing it, they’re aren’t feeling it and asking themselves, how can I react, they simply react. And they will continue to react in that exact same way, for weeks, months, years or even a lifetime. Never realizing that their depression, is not their identity.

So once you begin to witness depression within you, you begin to feel it fully, rather than wallow in it and try to dull it or hide from it or avoid it, which sends you into more depression, what you resist, persists. So instead of doing those things, feel it fully, accept the depression feeling within you, and recognize that it no longer serves you, that you are now able to feel it fully, completely, with complete acceptance, at its very worst, and not react to it. To no longer judge it and say, why do I have to feel like this…. You don’t…. you’re just telling yourself that you do.

So once you’ve felt it fully, and no longer identify with it, no longer be it’s victim, no longer take that feeling personally, it loses its power over you, it short circuits itself, and it lifts off you, like a weight. Why? Because you’ve given it your love, your attention, you’ve brought it into the light by consciously acknowledging it within you. You’ve loved the part of yourself, that was depressed. Know yourself, love yourself.

Depression, anxiety, anger and so on, are really just parts of ourselves saying, please love me, can’t you see I’m crying for your love? It doesn’t want you to run and hide from it, it wants you to face your fear of it, and accept it for what it is. To learn the lesson it’s trying to teach you. All these negative feelings, are not bad things. They are extremely positive things in disguise. Saying yes to negativity is a profoundly positive way of thinking.

You will eventually come to the realization, that you are completely responsible for your state of being, your actions, your thoughts. You choose to be happy, or sad, or depressed, or angry, it’s all a choice that you are making, whether you are conscious of it or not. The more conscious you become, the more choice you realize you’ve always had. Joy, love, happiness, compassion, excitement, passion, are around you, and within you, at all times, you’re just not tuning into them as often as you’d like. Which can be changed any time you want to change. It begins with a question.



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Marriage, has two meanings… One meaning, is to marry someone you like, by societies standards, to keep up the status quo with your friends and family… You’ve been dating for 5 years it’s time to get married…. and so people get married because they believe its something they must do, and perhaps they love that person enough to want to take that step… However it done for the wrong reasons, its not done out of a sense of intimacy and passion, its done out of a sense of security and familiarity. So marriage and kids happen and you’re locked into it now, whether you discover you want to be or not. This makes your friends and family happy, that you are married, and in their minds, it’s a done deal, and you don’t have them on your back about it anymore.

On the other meaning of marriage, this comes with deeper connection and intimacy. It is a relationship based not on seeking a partner, but on being who you truly are. Showing who you are to the world, attracts to you, someone that falls in love with the real you. There are no impressions, no proving yourself, no expectations. It just blossoms naturally like a flower. Marriage occurs when the intimacy has built up to a point where the connection cannot be broken between you. Sexual union on this level, is what marriage truly is, the divine union of the male and female. Where the yin and yang essences of each partner align within themselves, and then align with each other. This is marriage. It needs no paper, it needs no ring, it needs no validation of any kind. It simply is. Both partners know it, and so, there is nothing to prove. It’s an internal knowing, and a state of being. If you can cultivate this within yourself, and know that you do not need any external influence of a partner to satisfy a need that you are in complete control of , then you are married to yourself. You love yourself, and that in turn gives you the power to love everyone. It is only those who return that love to you, that can become sexual lovers. It means being vulnerable, and it means being surrendered, and trusting your partner with integrity, because you trust yourself with integrity. Sex becomes not the ultimate goal in the relationship, but expression of love becomes the ultimate goal, with sex as the bonus.

Share Your Story


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Share your story with the world. No matter how crazy, screwed up, boring, exciting, adventurous, abusive, or creative your story may be, there is someone out there, that can relate to you. Someone possibly still struggling with the things that you have already been through, and by telling your story, you provide the inspiration for them to overcome their own struggle. Alternatively, by sharing your story, you may be recognized by someone who has already been what you’re going through, and can help you with inspiration. Never doubt for one second that your existence on this planet is not of value. You would not be alive if there was no value in your existence. So no matter how small, or how insignificant you believe yourself to be, know that who you are, is priceless. You are valuable beyond measure. That value, is what you have to offer the world.